Rechargeable Reapirs

On occasion, we may take the decision to recharge tenants for repairs that are required to your own home where damage has occurred due to a particular set of circumstances. A rechargebale repiar shall be one that has occurred due to the following: 

  • Damage that has occurred as a result of abuse by the tenant, a member of the tenant's household or a visitor to the tenant's home. 
  • Damage that has occurred as a result of neglect e.g. where the tenant has failed to timeously report an ongoing issue or where the tenant has not fulfilled their level of responsibility as defined within their tenancy agreement. 
  • Damage that has occurred as a result of negligence by the tenant, a member of the tenant's household or a visitor the tenant's home. 
  • A requirment to force entry to provide access to a property or common space where the tenant has lost keys. 
  • Attendance to repairs which are later deemed to have occurred as a result of unauthorised tenant alterations to the property. 
  • Access failrues where access has been pre-arranged with the tenant and the Contractor has levied a charge for this. 

A full copy of the Associations Rechargeable Repairs Policy is available in our Documents section