Emergency Helplines and Support
A list of emergency helplines and support:
0800 027 1234 – Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline 24/7
03300 949 395 – Abused Men in Scotland
0800 5999 247 – Karma Nirvana (Support for domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour-based abuse)
08088 010 789 – Scottish Women’s Right Centre (free and confidential legal information for women affected by gender-based violence)
0141 353 0859 – Hermat Gryffe (support for Asian, black and minority ethnic women)
0131 475 2399 – SHAKTI Women’s Aid (Support for black women)
0808 801 0301 – Amina (support for Muslim and Black women)
0800 999 5428 – Galop (Support for people who have experience sexuality-based abuse, sexual violence or domestic abuse)
0808 801 0327 – Respect Men’s Advice Line (support for men who are victims of abuse)
0131 226 6606 – Scottish Women’s Aid
0800 160 1985 – Victim Support Scotland (Support for all victims of crime)
0808 802 4040 – Respect (helpline for anyone concerned about their violence and-or abuse towards a partner or ex-partner)
08088 01 03 02 – Rape Crisis Scotland
08088 00 00 14 (Call) 0771279510 (Text) support@rapecrisiscentre-glasgow.co.uk (Email) – Glasgow and Clyde Rape Crisis
0800 027 1234 – Scottish Women’s Aid
0808 2000 247 – White Ribbon
0141 276 7710 or assist@no-smtp.glasgow.gov.uk - ASSIST
0800 83 85 87 – Breathing Space (helpline for people feeling down or depressed)
0141 552 6540 – Saheylia (Mental Health support for black, minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee or migrant women)
0344 871 11 11 – British red Cross
111 - NHS24 Mental Health Hub
116 123 or jo@samaritans.org - Samaritans
0800 1111 - Childline (Young People under 19)
0808 800 5000 - NSPCC Helpline
Text SHOUT to 85258 (Add YM if you are under 19) - SHOUT Crisis Text Line
0344 300 0550 or info@SAMH.org.uk - SAMH
0300 323 9956 or info@scottishreccovery.net - Scottish Recovery Network
0808 802 2088 - The Spark, relationship helpline 16+
0300 123 2523 - LGBT+ Health & Wellbeing.
0800 84 84 84 – Quit Your Way (help to quit smoking)
0800 731 4314 – We are With You (alcohol & drug support)
0300 123 6600 – Frank Drugs helpline.
0141 565 0200 – Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service (Glasgow East)
0141 276 3420 – Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service (Glasgow North East)
0141 232 0600 – Eriskay House
0141 420 6969 – Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Crisis Service
0808 8020 133 – Gamcare, National Gambling Helpline.
01384 241292 – Gordon Moody, residential courses for people have problems with gambling.
www.Gamblersanonymous.org.uk – Gamblers Anonymous, find a meeting.
0808 801 0423 or Scotlandhelp@beateatingdisorders.org.uk – BEAT (eating disorder support)
0845 838 2040 – National Centre for Eating Disorders
www.oagb.org.uk – Overeaters Anonymous
www.weightconcern.org.uk – Weight Concern
www.nutrition.org.uk – British Nutrition Foundation
www.recoveryourlife.com – Recover Your Life (Self-Harm Support)
www.youngminds.org.uk – Young Minds (Supporting your child with eating problems)
0808 800 2222 – Family Lives
0808 808 4994 – The Mix (free, confidential multi-channel service)
0131 555 3940 – LGBT Youth Scotland
0131 624 7270 – Fear Free (Support for abuse victims who identify as male or from the LGBTQ+ Community)
0300 123 2523 – LGBT Helpline Scotland
www.equality-network.org – The Equality Network.
www.Scottishtrans.org - Scottish Trans Alliance
0141 202 0777 – LEAP Sports Scotland (info on LGBTQ+ friendly sports clubs across Glasgow and Scotland, as well as a range of volunteering opportunities)
0800 051 7676 – Pink Saltire (services for LGBTQ+ people facing hardship, including a counselling service).