Factoring Information
As well as owning and managing 852 properties, Spire View Housing Association provices a factoring service to 93 owners.
The Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 introduced a Code of Conduct for Property Factors. It requires us to provide a Written Statement of Services (WSOS) detailing the terms and service delivery standards provided by us to all our owners. You should have been issued with a WSOS and a copy can be provided if required.
The Association is registered in the Property Factor Register, No. PF000273 (SV) PF000274 (CW)
Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011
The Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011 aims to protect homeowners by providing minimum standards for property factors. All provisions of the Act came into force on 1 October 2012 and apply to all residential property and land managers whether they are private sector businesses, local authorities or housing associations.
The Act has three main elements:
- A compulsory register of all property factors operating in Scotland
- A code of conduct that sets out minimum standards of practice with which all registered property factors must comply
- A new route for redress: the Homeowner Housing Panel. Homeowners will be able to apply to the panel if they believe that their factor has failed to comply with the code of conduct or otherwise failed to carry out their factoring duties.
The Association issues Factoring invoices twice a year around April and October and are due for settlement within 21 days of issue.
The Association has a number of different ways you can make payments to your factoring account:
Your payment card can be used at any Post Office or any Paypoint outlet.
Contact the Association and we will set a Direct Debit up for you. This can be set up for Weekly, Monthly, 4 Weekly, Annually, on whatever day of the month or week you require. Please note we require 12 working days for the Direct Debit to be set up, not including public holidays.
By visiting www.allpayments.net
By calling 0844 557 8321
By visiting out Office at 43 Tharsis Street and paying in person.