Social Housing Fuel Support Fund
First launched in 2020/2021, the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund was part of the Scottish Government’s wider £10 million Fuel Insecurity Fund. The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) administered the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund (SHFSF) for registered social landlords to provide direct support to their tenants who were struggling with energy costs.
In December of 2022 Spire View Housing Association were accepted for the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund and were awarded £52,000 to be used across our community, Ardenglen Housing Association's, Copperworks Housing Association's and Blochairn Housing Association's.
Spire View previously recieved funding from the OfGem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme to employ one full-time energy advisor and 2 part-time Energy Support Assistants who worked across Spire View, Copperworks and Blochairn to support all residents in the Royston area who were struggling with the cost of living crisis.
The SHFSF was used to support 200 households with fuel vouchers and energy efficient equipment including Air Fryers, Slow Cookers and Electric Blankets.
Spire View was delighted to be working with Copperworks and Blochairn to deliver such a fantastic project to our tenants and want to thank the SFHA for providing us the opportunity to deliver this.
If you have any questions about the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund or the SFHA you can check out their website.