Tenancy Agreement
From 30th September 2002, all Spire View tenants have Scottish Secure Tenancies (SST). The agreement is signed by tenants and the Association and outlines the rights and responsibilities of both.
The tenancy agreement contains information on the following:
- Introduction
- Use of the Property and the Common Parts
- Respect for Others
- Sub-letting, Assignation and Exchange of your Tenancy
- Repairs, Maintenance, Improvements and Alterations
- Ending the Tenancy
- After the Tenant's Death
- Information and Consultation
- Complaints
- General Provisions
The tenancy agreement is explained in full to all tenants when signing up for a property. However, if you have any queries about any aspect of the tenancy agreement, please contact any member of our housing management team.
Shelter has also produced information on 'your right as a Scottish secure tenant' which can be accessed by visiting their website.