Online Safety
More than ever people are aware of just how dangerous the internet can be, but staying safe online does not mean avoiding the internet all together.
Find out more about simple steps you can take to keep yourself safe when browsing online.
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There are a lot of scammers in the world, and Phishing attacks are something to be wary of.
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending messages that appear to be from a trusted source in order to influence people into giving up personal details and/or banking information, allowing a scammer to steal your identity or money.
Find out more about the different kinds of Phishing and how to keep yourself safe from them.
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Domestic Abuse
In 2021-22 there were 118 incidents, per 10,000 population, of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland.
Dundee City (172), West Dumbartonshire (161) and Glasgow (147) recorded the highest incident rates in the country.
Find out exactly what Domestic Abuse is, how to recognise the signs, and who can help.
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Sexual Assault
Sexual crimes accounted for 5% of all crimes recorded in Scotland in 2021-22. This increased by 15% from 13,131 in 2020-21 to 15,049.
It important to know just what sexual assault is and who can help if you believe you, or someone you know, has been sexually assaulted.
Find out more.